February 21st 2025
I continue to upgrade the B.A.L.L. with new NIR,IR sensors. Most of the vacuum portals are not able to push that amount of air to maintain a stable hover at 100' feet. They keep calling it a anti gravity but in fact its not. most of the time its just pushing and sucking air. because its round it becomes difficult to use earths wind patterns.
I'm looking for work and I've met some great companies and talent. I hope if get the opportunity to work with them soon.
one of the most important function of a Surveyor is to identify the improvements from previous Surveys. If im not able to put feet on the ground then I'm not able to complete the job. My RPLS was told that we were not able to access the site because it wasn't safe.
collapsed retaining wall in Malibu California. The owner purchased the home and within a month of construction the retaining wall collapsed and was not permitted to live in the house because the foundation also showed signs of cracking. The Structural engineer and the Civil Engineer was looking for an as built in the form of a point cloud and a DTM, DEM and lidar classified drawing.
September 4th 2024
I reached out to a friend. I hope someday soon I will be able to return the favor and help.
So as i progress forward with coverage I'm running out of space on desktop and external drives. We decided to move into Azure for storage and it did not do well. The program doesn't read capital letters and or spaces in the file naming.
Solution : Google Drive and share folders with group members...for now
Drone Fleet batteries: As i move forward my batteries are running down. im now looking for new batteries and device that will discharge batteries for short terms when not flying.
Data use across geospatial platforms. its custom for Survey to take the lead in creating base drawings that will have horizontal and vertical scales in the drawings. It is also understood that the person who will be working with the drawing knows how to work with the data. This is not the case and i might have to go to them or possible screenshare so they can follow the steps.
I'm giving them raw images which are geotagged images and geotiffs that will allow them to import the images to layout their base. Since they are not familiar with this process i have to show them or do it myself which becomes very time consuming. its not that i mind helping ...I just wished that i could have addressed this sooner.
Camera mod on DJI X5 will arrive some time Friday. Multispectral camera ...this will save a lot of time and issues...now the fun begins.
I don't have 4X4 on the truck and so I need to be very very careful when driving out onto site because it gets very slippery and i can get stuck. Tires need to be replaced as soon as possible when i leave the hotel each day I have to put air in the tires. There is no air-conditioning in the truck and so I'm not able to store or leave anything in the truck because of heat over 110 degrees in the shade. i went to a shop in town and I'm crossing my fingers or should i say I'm crossing some wires to jump the blower so i can get some relief.
that's all for now...one battle one step Positive attitude always forward.
News today
Sunday July 23rd 2022
I have been working out different scenarios and workflows regarding magnetic anomalies. One of the items in my mental checklist is "output" band for NIR folder.
The cause for attention post is due to what I call a mental itch...
So I've had this itch that causes me to go through routine after routine to feel comfortable with my analysis of post processed images.
I use three different types of engines to provide the same answer. But in this process I routinely caused or forced the same results snd that's not good.
Soooo I'm doing it all over again just to make sure. I realize that it's borderline ADD but in my view I perceive this as quality control I need to maintain a standard or level of control and assessing what's being depicted through data versus perception I'm trying my best to not get distracted by perception and doing a comparison side by side which takes a little longer but more valid.
Monday August 1st 2022
The next hurdle is a dual UAS Mission with stereoscopic sensors providing thermal near infrared and RGB simultaneously. These new data sets will be applied to the digital globe or KML platform through the DJI X3 modified camera for near infrared spectrums. I'm very grateful for Dennis at ragecams located in California and Wisconsin thank you Dennis for your help.
Upon completing these missions I will have one streamlined Ortho mosaic that will offer one whole section of survey data that will match geospatial imagery.
The next step after this will be to upload all data from my local drive to the cloud so that this data can be accessed by other team members and they can utilize their geospatial platforms to the best of their abilities.
I understand that survey has a unique base that interacts with other
disciplines, but needs to be adhered and maintained for integrity and value computational sources that we use to extract our survey data from.
After reviewing and researching the magnetometer that was part of the radiological plume detector on my original s1000 I've decided that the mag Arrow is the appropriate magnetometer or appropriate payload as a magnetometer for the DJI Inspire 1 Pro UAV. In the next few days or weeks.
I will pursue demonstrations and proof of Concepts for utilizing a later payload or later magnetometer for the UAV DJI Inspire one pro if all goes well we'll start drifting the magnetometer for magnetic anomalies.
July 12th
Recent temperatures exceeded 110 degrees has brought us a whole new set of logistics to our new Land Surveying schedule.
We are now flying 500 acres per day
June 16th through June 24th
Looking forward to finishing up phase 1 Thermal.
Early morning Mission
126 acres
May 22nd 2022
After partial imaging and full recon I've returned the M300 with H20T camera because it was the wrong tool for the job.
This is a multispectral Survey with 90% percent committed to post processing and creative design interpretation of data sets as a object detection workflow with one or two geometric shapes being within our KML RANGE which was drawn in Google earth.
I have two objectives. The first objective is to teach and learn from engineers what they need versus what they want versus what they are capable of. I am always trying to learn especially if I have a predefined understanding of what and how I am creating my data set. I do not subscribe to making a person feel like they did something wrong when you are the person who doesn't know how to communicate within the language of that discipline. I prefer a collaboration of users and creators so we get a full sense of what is needed and by whom.
April 19th 2022
Thermal reconnaissance
Today was a washout due to rain and high winds. Tomorrow will present a great Survey. Computers are setup and now installing software.
April 5th 2022
The day before
I have been in Massachusetts for 3months now. I will explain how and why later. The important thing is this FLIR land surveying project that I'm starting.
Now I know I've been talking about the airthrust vector engines but I have not been able to fly here because of all the hate and negative response in New England. I have found people are not willing to stop hating long enough to redirect thier attention towards a new technology or new concepts of antigravitic drones. It's amazing to see the same people I used to look up to are the people I'm ashamed of today. I keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
I am going to start daily briefs or journals of my daily progress on my newest project.
Positive attitude always forward!
August 2021:
Fairbanks Alaska and Falcon vision UAV is going strong with the Inspire 1 X5. JpFonseca Land Management Services is also moving forward with small mortgage Surveys and A.L.T.A. and a lot of TOPO.
Stay tuned for more information on my new ground PID networks for utilizing GIS geospatial data sets . Orthomosaic include remote sensing with spectral images and FLIR .
December 2020: Leander, Texas
Update: Arrived some time ago in February 2020. Has or was a mystery.
Looking forward to a new start and working with a great bunch of people. My goals are to continue to pursue my ambitions and interests in the Land Surveying and Civil Engineering environments thank you God.
fully operational with the latest innovation in surveying technology, one of the first Surveying companies to offer an Unmanned UAV Survey Data sets for conventional workflows.
We do not bend our clients needs to fit our platform. We specialize in personalizing a catered then you for each project scope. Our goal is 2 have cost savings represented in deliverable time constraints. These unique workflows are designed to assist an existing workflow that speaks to Conventional land surveying principles and fundamentals as well as civil engineering requirements.
Preliminary Mission planning is crucial to any project. Evaluating vertical obstructions , surface and debris fields, that are pertinent to the area of interest.
Flight Zones are labeled, utilities and surface features are recorded vertical and horizontal tolerances are adhered to and compliancy within local state and federal jurisdictions are observed. Budget and Safety teams are met to communicate progress and project requirements and utilization of all air and ground assets.
Spectrum analysis for a F550 2011
Which turned into the DJI M600